Contribution of RNAi to sustainable agriculture, food safety and security

All presentations related to RNAi technology will be accepted but a special focus will be given to applications on pest and disease management, by identify strategies to develop and bring on the market new HIGS (type of products, field trials) and SIGS (production, formulation, regulation) products. This by taking into consideration the development of risk assessment guidelines and strategies for technology transfer and communication


The 4th iPlanta conference will be on February 26th and 27th. It will include oral presentations, parallel sections will be expected if we will receive a high number of abstracts, and posters. Invited speakers at EU and international level will be identified. STSM Leaders will select young experts to present the work done during the training period supported by iPlanta STSM program

Please note that the deadline for 4th iPlanta conference abstract submission has been postponed to January 10th,  2020:

Deadline for abstract submission: January 10th, 2020.